Legal Notice Pursuant To Section 60.075 of the Texas Water Code

Pursuant to adoption of an Ordinance by the Board of the Sabine Neches Navigation District at its April 13, 2021 meeting, Effective May 1, 2021, the following ordinance will be enforced.

The Sabine-Neches Waterway
Waterway Quick Facts
The Sabine-Neches Waterway is America’s energy gateway. It is home to numerous manufacturing, refining, and petrochemical companies and links to an extensive energy pipeline system, which connects to nearly every state in the country.

The Sabine-Neches Waterway is the lifeline that drives the economy in Southeast Texas and the U.S., generating more than $10 billion in economic impact and more than 100,000 permanent jobs.

The waterway plays a major role in our country’s energy and military transportation network. Our waterway also links to an extensive pipeline system that supplies fuel to communities and businesses across the country. Despite its tremendous benefits to our country, the waterway has not been improved since 1962. With nearly $20 billion in recent and upcoming energy-related investments along the waterway, including the nation’s largest oil refinery, huge investments in other area refineries, major expansions or reopenings of chemical plants and the development of two massive LNG terminals, the ship channel must meet the growing transportation needs in order to sustain these businesses.


The Sabine-Neches Waterway America’s Energy Gateway


The lifeline that drives the economies of Southeast Texas

The Sabine-Neches Waterway, or the ship channel, is a “highway” through which more than 125 million tons of cargo is transported each year to energy, petrochemical and military users.